Friday, July 24, 2009

Obama says you can't have the red pill

--Red Pill Blue Pill-- In the President's prime time televised press conference on Wednesday, he revealed his real goal in the health care reform debate -- government rationing. He added this puzzling abstraction about cost containment:

"If there's a blue pill and a red pill, and the blue pill is half the price of the red pill and works just as well, why not pay half price for the thing that's going to make you well?" he asked.

Conservatives have no problem with Americans bargain shopping for their medications -- that's what they should do. But the government should not have the power to make these decisions for us. The President's statement makes it clear that, despite his campaign promises, he is not going to allow Americans to keep their current benefit plans and choices.

In another bizarre hypothetical, the President accused a pediatrician of violating the Hippocratic Oath by unnecessarily removing a child's tonsils just to make more money. If this is how the President views physicians, he probably isn't going to allow us to choose our doctors either.


  1. Hi uncle paul!
    Our computers were sent to us by the school we were enrolled in. Since it's summer, and because we are switching to another school, we had to send them back. Dad has our laptop, so I'll have to blog on Saturday when he's home. I'll still keep reading your blog though.
    Your niece,
    Jessica Truman

  2. P.S.
    Hi Uncle Paul!
    What is the picture above the picture of the pill? You've got no article about it.
